Solrstice Docs


Solrstice is meant to be a library for interacting with an Apache Solr cluster Currently version 8 and 9 is supported.

You can install the library by putting this in your Cargo.toml

solrstice = { version = "0.1", features = ["blocking"] }

If the blocking feature is not provided, only async will work.

Getting started

Creating a client

fn main() {
let context = SolrServerContextBuilder::new(SolrSingleServerHost::new("http://localhost:8983"))
    .with_auth(SolrBasicAuth::new("solr", Some("SolrRocks"))).build();
let client = AsyncSolrCloudClient::new(context);

Creating a collection

fn main() {
    .upload_config("example_config", Path::new("/path/to/config"))
    .create_collection("example_collection", "example_config", 1, 1)

Indexing data

fn main() {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct TestData {
    id: String,
let docs = vec![TestData {
    id: "example_document".to_string(),
    .index( &UpdateQuery::new(), "example_collection", docs.as_slice())

Selecting data

fn main() {
let docs = client
    .ok_or("No response provided")?

Deleting data

fn main() {